Which internet shopping mall, online shop or online store that you can choose in Seoul, Korea.

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2016년 3월 26일 토요일

Which internet shopping mall, online shop or online store that you can choose in Seoul, Korea.

If you travel long, live long, stay long in Korea, perhaps you have to buy something by using internet.
In that case you should have to get Korea bank accounts.
If I have a chance or feel necessary, I will introduce how you can make a Korea bank account.
But today I suppose you already have something you can pay for.
Unfortunately, because of Korea's fucking online payment security system, you should use "internet explorer" web browser. That is the only way to avoid irritation.
First, you translate your language to Korean. I recommend you visit "http://www.naver.com/". That is one of biggest portal website in Korea. So they can easily help you and your problem related with Korea. For search "Korean", it would be better using "naver" than "google" in Korea.
After, you get the Korean vocabulary that you want to, you directly search in "Naver". They also serve very well made shopping search engine. You put your item's name and click proper thing, check the price and order.
Visiting the online shop is also recommended. There are several big online inter shopping shop mall in Korea. "http://www.auction.co.kr/", "http://www.11st.co.kr/", "http://www.gmarket.co.kr/" are serve the online shop, internet shopping. If you need electronic things, such as note book, camera, television or cellular phone or mobile devices, I recommend you use "http://www.danawa.com/". You can use "naver" also.
Finally, you pick and order in progress like "ebey" or "amazon".
Thank you for Korean well made delivery systems, generally you can get your items in 2 days.

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